The President of United Republic of Tanzania John Pombe Magufuli has fulfilled his promise to the people of Hai district in improving the health sector by providing support needed in hospitals.
The fulfilled promise involves a support in 25 hospital beds, mattress and bed sheets to Hai district hospital.
At the ceremony of handing over the beds on behalf of the President; Hai district commissioner Gelasius Byakanwa said that the government has decided the country to reach an industrial middle level economy and that in order to achieve this goal the government understands that it is essential to have a healthy and educated society for the people to engage fully in industrial production.
In order to achieve this goal the government focuses in improving the health sector by providing the needed tools and materials, availability of experts in different field as well as improving the education sector.
Byakanwa added that the task of protecting the received beds falls to all Hai residents so as to make the beds last long and benefit many people despite of their tribes, color, religious or political beliefs.
When reading the hospital’s statement in receiving the beds; district medical officer Benardetha Swai said that they have received 25 beds with mattress and bed sheets where 20 are normal hospital beds and five are special for delivery all worth 16 million shillings.
Speaking on the occasion, Hai District Executive Director Yohana Sintoo said the received beds will reduce the shortage of beds facing the district whereby a total of 120 hospital beds were needed in relation to the current available buildings.
Sintoo added that the beds will be distributed to public health facilities in the district and he mentioned that the district has 21 dispensaries, 4 health centres and 1 hospital and that by receivibg the 25 beds the districts has a shortage of 100 beds.
On the other end the people of Hai district have asked the District Commissioner to send their appreciation to President Magufuli and have promised to make proper use of the beds for the benefits of all people getting treatment at the district hospital.
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